Nowadays, the arm architecture is everywhere, from your pocket to Mars . Particularly, its 8th version, i.e. ARMv8-A , permitted using it in more and more Systems on Chip which can be found in single board computers (SBC) , tablets , laptops and even virtual machines in the cloud . Developers, from arm64-based laptop users to enthusiasts with dozen of SBCs, have embraced this architecture, particularly for cloud native workloads.

Inspektor Gadget is a collection of tools (or gadgets) that facilitate cloud native development, originally developed for amd64. With the growing adoption of arm64, it became clear to us that porting it to that architecture was a necessary step in our journey to empower developers to achieve more. However, Inspektor Gadget is not your typical user-space application. Due to its extensive use of low-level kernel concepts including eBPF, porting Inspektor Gadget to arm64 presented some unique challenges. This blog post describes those technical challenges and how we resolved them.

The bcc gadgets

bcc gadgets are wrappers around iovisor/bcc tools. In this case, the eBPF code is compiled on each target machine just before it gets executed. Consequently, we only needed to add arm64 versions of clang/llvm to our container images.

The CO-RE gadgets

CO-RE stands for “Compile Once - Run Everywhere” . Contrary to standard gadgets, they are not compiled just before being run. Instead, the BPF object files are shipped and directly used with some address relocation.

In Inspektor Gadget’s build process, we use bpf2go to generate the BPF object files. This CLI tool permits specifying the target platform with -target option.

The eBPF instruction set is architecture independent as the kernel translates eBPF instructions to machine instructions.

Nonetheless, we have to handle two different cases depending on whether the gadget includes the bpf_tracing header file:

  1. If the gadget does not include this file, we can use bpfel (i.e. “BPF endianness little”) as target and the same BPF object file will be used for both amd64 and arm64, as these two architectures are little endian .
  2. For gadgets including this file, we have to compile a specific BPF object file for each architecture. Indeed, this header file defines architecture specific macros used to access syscall arguments1 based on the value of __TARGET_ARCH_ .

Thanks to the golang tags present at top of files generated by bpf2go the BPF object files corresponding to the target architecture will be used at build time.

The specific case of trace exec

trace exec is a gadget which monitors calls to the exec syscall family. It permits listing when a new application is run on the system. Even with its BPF object file built for arm64, this gadget was not working. After some investigation, we realized the kernel code in charge of starting a new thread on arm64 omitted the syscall number. Without the syscall number, the tracing cannot occur . We fixed this behavior in upstream kernel. However, that does not solve the problem for existing kernels in the field, so we also switched the tracing mechanism of trace exec for available kernels2.

The specific case of traceloop

As time of writing, the traceloop gadget hard-codes system call numbers for amd64. We plan to rewrite this gadget and make it work on arm64 as part of future work.

Speeding up the container images build

So far, we have container images built for both amd64 and arm64 with the corresponding BPF object files. The image built for arm64 relies on docker buildx , which by default emulates other architectures using qemu. This was working well, but the emulation made the build slow (35 minutes compared to 10 minutes before).

Consequently, we decided to rev it up using cross compilation in docker buildx. Our docker images stages are the following:

  1. There is one builder stage where we build the gadgettracermanager binary as well as other binaries.
  2. The other stage consists of using another image as “main” image and some tweaking.

So, instead of emulating the builder stage, we used cross compilation. This process relies mainly on variables defined by docker buildx, like BUILDPLATFORM and TARGETARCH. In our case, the builder stage runs on the BUILDPLATFORM (which is amd64 for us) and generates binaries for the TARGETARCH (which are amd64 and arm64). As a result, the container images build time decreased (from around 35 minutes to 15 minutes).

Demonstration of Inspektor Gadget on AKS arm64 cluster

We presented the work we achieved to port Inspektor Gadget on the arm64 architecture, we will now see it in action on an AKS cluster.

As arm64 cluster is in preview in AKS, you will first need to install the aks-preview Azure CLI and register the AKSARM64Preview preview feature .

Now, let’s create the cluster:

$ resource_group=inspektor-gadget-arm64-group
$ kubernetes_cluster=inspektor-gadget-arm64-cluster
$ az group create --name $resource_group --location westeurope -o none
# All the available arm64 sizes are listed there:
$ az aks create --resource-group $resource_group \
	--name $kubernetes_cluster \
	--node-count 2 \
	--generate-ssh-keys \
	-s 'Standard_E2ps_v5'
The behavior of this command has been altered by the following extension: aks-preview
$ az aks get-credentials --resource-group $resource_group \
	--name $kubernetes_cluster
The behavior of this command has been altered by the following extension: aks-preview
Merged "inspektor-gadget-arm64-cluster" as current context in /home/you/.kube/config
$ kubectl gadget deploy
Inspektor Gadget successfully deployed
$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: test-namespace
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: test-pod
  namespace: test-namespace
  - name: test-container
    image: debian
    command: ["/bin/sh"]
    args: ["-c", "apt-get update && apt-get install -qy python2; while true; do python2.7 -c \"exec'()'*7**6\"; sleep 1; done"]
namespace/test-namespace created
pod/test-pod created
$ kubectl gadget trace signal -n test-namespace
# Node name was changed to make it shorter
aks-node1 test-namespace test-pod test-container 5371 python2.7 SIGSEGV 5371 0
aks-node1 test-namespace test-pod test-container 5371 python2.7 SIGPIPE 5371 0
aks-node1 test-namespace test-pod test-container 5454 python2.7 SIGSEGV 5454 0
aks-node1 test-namespace test-pod test-container 5454 python2.7 SIGPIPE 5454 0
# Clean up everything
$ kubectl delete ns test-namespace
namespace "test-namespace" deleted
$ kubectl gadget undeploy
Inspektor Gadget successfully removed
$ az group delete --no-wait --resource-group $resource_group
Are you sure you want to perform this operation? (y/n): y

As you can see, there is no difference using Inspektor Gadget on amd64 or arm64 cluster.

Known limitation

The trace open gadget does not display opened file path on kernel older than version 5.5 as they lack an upstream commit fixing a bug reading user space value from the kernel.


Inspektor Gadget is now available on arm64! It will enable you to debug your kubernetes cluster running on this architecture, whether it is a thousand nodes cluster hosted in the cloud or locally on your arm64-based laptop or SBC. We will also keep an eye on RISC-V development as we may port Inspektor Gadget to that architecture in the future!

  1. The way syscall arguments are passed is architecture dependent and part of the Application Binary Interface . For example, register rdi stores the first syscall argument on amd64 while it is x0 on arm64. So, the bpf_tracing header defines cross-platform macros to get syscall parameters values. ↩︎

  2. Instead of using tracepoint, we use kprobe for trace exec on arm64. Sadly, with kprobe it is not possible to get the command line arguments of the application. ↩︎

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