
    Inspektor Gadget container image and release assets are signed using cosign . In this guide, we will see how you can verify them with this tool. Note that, You would need to have cosign v2.0 installed.

    Verify the container image manually

    Verifying the container image is pretty straightforward:

    $ RELEASE='v0.27.0'
    $ cosign verify --key${RELEASE}/${RELEASE}
    The following checks were performed on each of these signatures:
      - The cosign claims were validated
      - Existence of the claims in the transparency log was verified offline
      - The signatures were verified against the specified public key
    [{"critical":{"identity":{"docker-reference":""}, ...

    Getting the above output followed by a JSON array of payloads, ensures you the container image was signed using our private key.

    Verify the container image while deploying

    When deploying Inspektor Gadget using kubectl gadget deploy, the image will be automatically verified if the policy-controller is deployed on your Kubernetes cluster. To do so, you first need to install this component. Now, let’s deploy Inspektor Gadget in a cluster where the policy-controller is present:

    $ kubectl get pod -n cosign-system
    NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    policy-controller-webhook-7c7f55dfcf-qkpw4   1/1     Running   0          10s
    $ kubectl gadget deploy
    1/1 gadget pod(s) ready
    Inspektor Gadget successfully deployed

    As you can see, everything was successfully deployed. Now, let’s undeploy Inspektor Gadget and try to deploy an old release which was not signed:

    $ kubectl gadget undeploy
    Inspektor Gadget successfully removed
    $ kubectl gadget deploy --image ''
    Creating DaemonSet/gadget...
    Error: problem while creating resource: creating "DaemonSet": admission webhook "" denied the request: validation failed: failed policy: gadget-image-policy: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image signature key validation failed for authority authority-0 for no matching signatures

    As this image is not signed, the verification failed and the container was not deployed to the cluster.

    In case the policy-controller is not present, a warning message will be printed to inform you the verification will not take place:

    $ kubectl get pod -n cosign-system
    No resources found in cosign-system namespace.
    $ kubectl gadget deploy
    WARN[0000] No policy controller found, the container image will not be verified
    Inspektor Gadget successfully deployed

    Skipping verification

    You can also decide to not verify the image, using --verify-image=false. We definitely do not recommend this and you will use this option at your own risk:

    $ kubectl gadget deploy --verify-image=false
    WARN[0000] You used --verify-image=false, the container image will not be verified
    Inspektor Gadget successfully deployed

    Using custom public key for verification

    To verify the image with a specific key, you can use the --public-key flag:

    $ kubectl gadget deploy --public-key="$(cat pkg/resources/"

    Verify the container Source Code Bill Of Materials (SBOMs)

    A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is a detailed list of all the components of a software. It facilitates security and license compliance assessments. The Inspektor Gadget project publishes SBOMs in the CycloneDX format for all our container images and CLI tools:

    • SBOMs for container images are attached to the corresponding image and can be found in our registry .
    • SBOMs for CLI tools are available as release assets.

    In this section, we will see how you can verify and inspect the SBOMs attached to our container images. To do so, you will need cosign, oras and Inspektor Gadget public key.

    # We will demo this for amd64, but it works the same for arm64.
    $ arch=amd64
    $ oras discover --platform linux/${arch} --artifact-type example/sbom
    Discovered 1 artifact referencing latest
    Digest: sha256:...
    Artifact Type   Digest
    example/sbom    sha256:hash_of_sbom_manifest
    # As we include SBOMs in our multi architecture container image, they are also
    # signed.
    # So, let's check the SBOM is signed with our private key:
    $ cosign verify --key
    Verification for
    The following checks were performed on each of these signatures:
      - The cosign claims were validated
      - Existence of the claims in the transparency log was verified offline
      - The signatures were verified against the specified public key
    [{"critical":{"identity":{"docker-reference":""}, ...
    # Let's download the SBOM and look at it:
    $ oras pull --allow-path-traversal
    Downloading 1d479bb51392 /tmp/gadget-container-image-linux-amd64/sbom_cyclonedx.json
    Downloaded  1d479bb51392 /tmp/gadget-container-image-linux-amd64/sbom_cyclonedx.json
    Pulled [registry]
    Digest: sha256:hash_of_sbom_manifest
    $ jq '' /tmp/gadget-container-image-linux-amd64/sbom_cyclonedx.json
      "$schema": "",
      "bomFormat": "CycloneDX",
      "specVersion": "1.5",
      "serialNumber": "urn:uuid:cf132c3d-5960-4536-9c03-9724babd76e9",
      "version": 1,
      "metadata": {
        "timestamp": "2024-03-21T17:22:38Z",
        "tools": {
          "components": [
              "type": "application",
              "author": "anchore",
              "name": "syft",
              "version": "1.0.1"
        "component": {
          "bom-ref": "af63bd4c8601b7f1",
          "type": "file",
          "name": "."
      "components": [
          "bom-ref": "pkg:deb/debian/[email protected]+deb12u5?arch=amd64&distro=debian-12&package-id=854ccee33785ad46",
          "type": "library",
          "publisher": "Santiago Vila <[email protected]>",
          "name": "base-files",

    As the SBOM was signed with our private key, you can now inspect it to track down every dependencies we use to build our container image.

    Verify image-based gadgets

    Like our container image, we sign all our image-based gadgets. The signature are verified by default using Inspektor Gadget public key:

    $ sudo -E ig run
    RUNTIME.CONTAINERNA… PID         UID         GID         MNTNS_ID E… FD         FL… MODE       COMM       FNAME                TIMESTAMP

    Let’s try to run an image-based gadget which was not signed:

    $ sudo -E ig run
    Error: fetching gadget information: initializing and preparing operators: instantiating operator "oci": ensuring image: verifying image "": getting signing information: getting signature: getting signature bytes: not found

    As the image was not signed, no signature was found in the repository, so the execution is denied.

    You can set your own public key with --public-key:

    $ sudo -E ig run --public-key="$(cat"
    RUNTIME.CONTAINERNAME  PID          UID          GID          MNTNS_ID RET FL… MODE        COMM        FNAME                  TIMESTAMP

    If you forget to set your public key, the image-based gadget will be verified using Inspektor Gadget public key and you will get the following error:

    $ sudo -E ig run
    Error: fetching gadget information: initializing and preparing operators: instantiating operator "oci": ensuring image: verifying image "": verifying signature: invalid signature when validating ASN.1 encoded signature

    You can also skip verifying image-based gadget signature with --verify-image=false. Note that we do not recommend using this:

    $ sudo -E ig run --verify-image=false
    WARN[0000] you set --verify-image=false, image will not be verified
    WARN[0000] you set --verify-image=false, image will not be verified
    RUNTIME.CONTAINERNAME  PID          UID          GID          MNTNS_ID RET FL… MODE        COMM        FNAME                  TIMESTAMP

    Verify an asset

    Rather than signing all the assets, we only sign the checksums file. So, by verifying this file, you can then verify the assets themselves by checking their checksums.

    Verifying the checksums file

    The following snippet show you how to verify the checksums file:

    $ RELEASE='v0.19.0'
    $ ASSET="SHA256SUMS"
    $ URL="${RELEASE}"
    # We need to get the asset itself, its signature file and the corresponding bundle:
    $ for i in $URL/$ASSET $URL/$ASSET.sig $URL/$ASSET.bundle; do
    	wget $i
    # We need to get the public key too.
    $ wget $URL/
    $ cosign verify-blob $ASSET --bundle ${ASSET}.bundle --signature ${ASSET}.sig --key --offline
    Verified OK

    As you can see, the checksum file was correctly verified which means this file was indeed signed by us. So, you can use this file to verify other release assets.

    Verify an asset

    Once you verified the checksums file, you can now verify the integrity of an asset using such checksums file:

    $ RELEASE='v0.19.0'
    $ ASSET="inspektor-gadget-${RELEASE}.yaml"
    $ URL="${RELEASE}"
    $ wget $URL/$ASSET
    $ grep $ASSET SHA256SUMS | shasum -a 256 -c -s || echo "Error: ${ASSET} didn't pass the checksum verification. You must not use it!"