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Version: v0.30.0


Inspektor Gadget exposes some functions to wasm modules implemented in gadgets. We provide a Golang wrapper for this functionality, but these functions can be used directly from any programming language that can be compiled to wasm.

Data types

Data types passed to the API are encoded using 64 bits. Scalar types like integers, booleans and floats are casted directly to 64 bit integers and passed using the stack.

Strings and byte arrays are stored in the wasm module's memory. A 64 bit integer is used to represent a pointer to them, the higher 32 bits contains the length and the lower 32 the memory address.

Wasm Module Exported Functions

The Wasm module implemented by the gadget also needs to export some functions to be invoked by the host.


This function is used by Inspektor Gadget to check that the version of the API used by the wasm module is compatible. The function doesn't receive any parameter and must return an 64 bit integer. If the version doesn't match exactly the one expected by Inspektor Gadget, the initialization of the gadget fails. Currently only version 1 is supported and used. This function is mandatory.


This function is called when initializing the gadget. In this phase the gadget can suscribe to data sources, create new fields, etc. This function is optional.


This function is called when the gadget is started. This fuction is optional.


This function is called when the gadget is stopped. It's used to clean up things. This function is optional.


The gadget should expose a malloc function that allocates memory on the heap of the wasm module. This is needed by the host to allocate memory to pass strings and byte arrays around. This function is automatically exported when using tinygo

TODO: We'll check this requirement later on.


See description in dataSourceSubscribe below.



gadgetLog(u32 level, string msg)

Print a log message using the gadget's logger instance.


  • level (u32): Log level:
    • 0: Error
    • 1: Warn
    • 2: Info
    • 3: Debug
    • 4: Trace
  • msg (string): Message to print

Return value:

  • None


newDataSource(string name)

Creates a new data source.


  • name (string): Data source name

Return value:

  • (u32): Handle to the created data source on success, 0 on error.

getDataSource(string name) u32

Get a handle to a data source.


  • name (string): Datasource's name

Return value:

  • (u32) Handle to the data source on success, 0 on error.

dataSourceSubscribe(u32 ds, u32 type, u32 prio, u64 cb)

Subscribe to events emitted by a data source.

This mechanism requires the wasm module to export a dataSourceCallback that is called by the host when an event is emitted:

dataSourceCallback(u64 cbID, u32 ds, u32 data)

  • cbID: Callback ID
  • ds: Datasource handle
  • data: Data handle


  • ds (u32): Datasource handle (as returned by getDataSource or newDataSource)
  • type (u32): Subscription type: (0: Data, 1: Array, 2: Packet)
  • priority (u32): Priority of the subscription. The lower the value the higher the priority.
  • cb (u64): Opaque ID that is passed back to dataSourceCallback to identify the subscription.

Return value:

  • 0 on sucess, 1 in case of error.

dataSourceGetField(u32 ds, string name) u32

Get a field from a datasource


  • ds (u32): Datasource handle (as returned by getDataSource or newDataSource)
  • name(string): Field's name

Return value:

  • (u32): Field handle on success, 0 on error.

dataSourceAddField(u32 ds, string name, u32 kind) u32

Add a field to a data source


Return value:

  • (u32): Field handle on success, 0 on error.

dataSourceNewPacketSingle(u32 ds) u32

Allocate a packet instance. The returned packet has to be released with dataSourceEmitAndRelease or dataSourceRelease.


  • ds (u32): Datasource handle (as returned by getDataSource or newDataSource)

Return value:

  • (u32): Packet handle on success, 0 on error

dataSourceNewPacketArray(u32 ds) u32

Allocate a packet array instance. The returned packet has to be released with dataSourceEmitAndRelease or dataSourceRelease.


  • ds (u32): Datasource handle (as returned by getDataSource or newDataSource)

Return value:

  • (u32): Packet handle on success, 0 on error

dataSourceEmitAndRelease(u32 ds, u32 data) u32

Emit and release a packet instance.


  • ds (u32): Datasource handle (as returned by getDataSource or newDataSource)
  • data (u32): Packet handle (as returned by dataSourceNewPacketSingle)

Return value:

  • 0 in case of success, 1 otherwise.

dataSourceRelease(u32 ds, u32 data)

Release a packet instance without sending it.


  • ds (u32): Datasource handle (as returned by getDataSource or newDataSource)
  • data (u32): Packet handle (as returned by dataSourceNewPacketSingle)

Return value:

  • None

dataArrayNew(d uint32) uint32

Allocate and returne a new element on the array.


  • d (u32): DataArray handle

Return value:

  • (u32): Data handle on success, 0 on error

dataArrayAppend(d uint32, data uint32)

Append data to the array.


  • d (u32): DataArray handle
  • data (u32): Data handle to append

Return value:

  • None

dataArrayRelease(d uint32, data uint32)

Releases the memory of Data; Data may not be used after calling this.


  • d (u32): DataArray handle
  • data (u32): Data handle to release

Return value:

  • None

dataArrayLen(d uint32) uint32

Get the number of elements in the array.


  • d (u32): DataArray handle

Return value:

  • (u32): Number of elements in the array

dataArrayGet(d uint32, index uint32) uint32

Get the element at the given index.


  • d (u32): DataArray handle
  • index (u32): Data index

Return value:

  • (u32): Data handle on success, 0 on error


fieldGet(u32 field, u32 data, u32 kind) u64

Get the value of a field.


  • field (u32): Field handle (as returned by dataSourceGetField or dataSourceAddField)
  • data (u32): Data handle
  • kind (u32): Kind of access: How to read the field.

Return value:

  • Value of the field:
    • If the returned value is of type String or Bytes, it will be allocated inside the wasm guest memory by calling the function malloc. The Wasm module must either provide its own implementation of malloc or be compiled against a library which provides it such as libc. It is the responsibility of the caller to free the allocation.
    • The reference Wasm guest Go library "" automatically frees the memory as appropriate so if your Wasm module uses that reference implementation, you don't have to call free.
    • The function returns 0 in case of errors (ambiguous with scalar types like u32). TODO: Find a way to report errors!

fieldSet(u32 field, u32 data, u32 kind, u64 value)

Set the value of a field.


  • field (u32): Field handle (as returned by dataSourceGetField or dataSourceAddField)
  • data (u32): Data handle
  • kind (u32): Kind of access: How to write the field value (u64): Value to store in the field

Return value:

  • None