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Version: v0.37.0

Quick Start

Inspektor Gadget can be used either on a Linux machine or on Kubernetes. It supports both ephemeral commands and permanent installation.

The following examples use the trace_open Gadget which triggers when a file is open on the system.


Deployed to the Cluster

krew is the recommended way to install kubectl gadget. You can follow the krew's quickstart to install it and then install kubectl gadget by executing the following commands.

kubectl krew install gadget
kubectl gadget deploy
kubectl gadget run trace_open:v0.37.0

Check Installing on Kubernetes to learn more about different options.

Kubectl Node Debug

We can use kubectl node debug to run ig on a Kubernetes node:

kubectl debug --profile=sysadmin node/minikube-docker -ti -- ig run trace_open:v0.37.0

For more information on how to use ig without installation on Kubernetes, please refer to the ig documentation.


Install Locally

Install the ig binary locally on Linux and run a Gadget:

IG_VERSION=$(curl -s | jq -r .tag_name)

curl -sL${IG_VERSION}/ig-linux-${IG_ARCH}-${IG_VERSION}.tar.gz | sudo tar -C /usr/local/bin -xzf - ig

sudo ig run trace_open:v0.37.0

Check Installing on Linux to learn more.

Run in a Container

docker run -ti --rm --privileged -v /:/host --pid=host run trace_open:v0.37.0

For more information on how to use ig without installation on Linux, please check Using ig in a container.

MacOS or Windows

It's possible to control an ig running in Linux from different operating systems by using the gadgetctl binary.

Run the following on a Linux machine to make ig available to clients.

sudo ig daemon --host=tcp://

Download the gadgetctl tools for MacOS (amd64, arm64) or windows and run the Gadget specifying the IP address of the Linux machine:

gadgetctl run trace_open:v0.37.0 --remote-address=tcp://$IP:1234

The above demonstrates the simplest command. To learn how to filter, export, etc. please consult the documentation for the run command.