Quick Start
Inspektor Gadget can be used either on a Linux machine or on Kubernetes. It supports both ephemeral commands and permanent installation.
The following examples use the trace_open Gadget which triggers when a file is open on the system.
Deployed to the Cluster
krew is the recommended way to install
kubectl gadget
. You can follow the
krew's quickstart
to install it and then install kubectl gadget
by executing the following
kubectl krew install gadget
kubectl gadget deploy
kubectl gadget run trace_open:v0.37.0
Check Installing on Kubernetes to learn more about different options.
Kubectl Node Debug
We can use kubectl node debug to run ig
on a Kubernetes node:
kubectl debug --profile=sysadmin node/minikube-docker -ti --image=ghcr.io/inspektor-gadget/ig:v0.37.0 -- ig run trace_open:v0.37.0
For more information on how to use ig
without installation on Kubernetes, please refer to the ig documentation.
Install Locally
Install the ig
binary locally on Linux and run a Gadget:
IG_VERSION=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/inspektor-gadget/inspektor-gadget/releases/latest | jq -r .tag_name)
curl -sL https://github.com/inspektor-gadget/inspektor-gadget/releases/download/${IG_VERSION}/ig-linux-${IG_ARCH}-${IG_VERSION}.tar.gz | sudo tar -C /usr/local/bin -xzf - ig
sudo ig run trace_open:v0.37.0
Check Installing on Linux to learn more.
Run in a Container
docker run -ti --rm --privileged -v /:/host --pid=host ghcr.io/inspektor-gadget/ig:v0.37.0 run trace_open:v0.37.0
For more information on how to use ig
without installation on Linux, please check Using ig in a container.
MacOS or Windows
It's possible to control an ig
running in Linux from different operating systems by using the gadgetctl
Run the following on a Linux machine to make ig
available to clients.
sudo ig daemon --host=tcp://
Download the gadgetctl
tools for MacOS
arm64) or windows and run the Gadget specifying the IP address of the Linux machine:
gadgetctl run trace_open:v0.37.0 --remote-address=tcp://$IP:1234
The above demonstrates the simplest command. To learn how to filter, export, etc. please consult the documentation for the run command.