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Testing a Gadget


This document is slightly outdated, please check the existing gadgets to learn how they implement the tests.

Inspektor Gadget provides a set of helpers to implement tests for your gadget. This document is a small guide showing how to implement tests for the hello-world gadget.

First, create the testing file, mygadget_test.go and import some packages, like:

package main

import (


// helper functions for creating and running commands in a container.
igtesting ""
// wrapper function for ig binary
igrunner ""
// helper functions for parsing and comparing output.
// Event struct for fields enriched by ig.
eventtypes ""

Then, we create a structure with all the information the gadget provides.

type mygadgetEvent struct {

MntNsID uint64 `json:"mntns_id"`
Pid uint32 `json:"pid"`
Uid uint32 `json:"uid"`
Gid uint32 `json:"gid"`
Comm string `json:"comm"`
Filename string `json:"filename"`

Later we create a test function called TestMyGadget(). In this, we first create a container manager (can be either docker or containerd). After that, we create a command to run the gadget with various options. Finally, these commands are used as arguments in RunTestSteps():


TODO: Update this document with:

  • Use new normalize functions
  • Support other container runtimes than docker
func TestMyGadget(t *testing.T) {
cn := "test-mygadget"

// returns a container manager which implements an interface with methods for creating new container
// and running commands within that container.
containerFactory, err := containers.NewContainerFactory("docker")
require.NoError(t, err, "new container factory")

mygadgetCmd := igrunner.New(
// gadget repository and tag can be added with the following environment variables:
igrunner.WithFlags("--runtimes=docker", "--timeout=5"),
func(t *testing.T, output string) {
expectedEntry := &mygadgetEvent{
Event: eventtypes.Event{
CommonData: eventtypes.CommonData{
Runtime: eventtypes.BasicRuntimeMetadata{
RuntimeName: eventtypes.String2RuntimeName("docker"),
ContainerName: cn,
Comm: "cat",
Filename: "/dev/null",
Uid: 1000,
Gid: 1111,

// used to "normalize" the output, sets random value fields to a default value
// so that it only includes non-default values for the fields we can verify.
normalize := func(e *mygadgetEvent) {
e.MntNsID = 0
e.Pid = 0

e.Runtime.ContainerID = ""
e.Runtime.ContainerImageName = ""
e.Runtime.ContainerImageDigest = ""

// parses the output and matches it to expectedEntry.
match.MatchEntries(t, match.JSONMultiObjectMode, output, normalize, expectedEntry)

testSteps := []igtesting.TestStep{
// WithStartAndStop used to start the container command, then, wait for other commands to run
// and stop later and verify the output.
containerFactory.NewContainer(cn, "while true; do setuidgid 1000:1111 cat /dev/null; sleep 0.1; done", containers.WithStartAndStop()),

igtesting.RunTestSteps(testSteps, t)

(Optional) If running the test for a gadget whose image resides in a remote container registry, you can define environment variables for the gadget repository and tag.

$ export GADGET_TAG=latest

We are all set now to run the test.

$ go test -exec 'sudo -E' -v ./mygadget_test.go