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Switching to image-based Gadgets

This guide covers how to switch from built-in Gadgets to image-based Gadgets.

CLI Users

Image-based Gadgets are executed with the run command:

$ ig run gadget_name
$ kubectl gadget run gadget_name

For each built-in Gadget we have a corresponding image-based Gadget:

$ ig trace open # built-in
$ ig run trace_open # image-based

$ ig snapshot process # built-in
$ ig run snapshot_process # image-based

Usually the name is the concatenation of the gadget category and the gadget name: trace exec corresponds to trace_exec, top file corresponds to top_file and so on.

This section describes the biggest differences between that kind of gadgets.

Columns Output

We tuned the output of different Gadgets to be more user friendly, we changed the size of some columns and show or hide some of them by default. For instance, this is the output for the trace open gadget:


$ sudo ig trace open
determined_kapitsa 42364 42364 cat 0 2 /lib/x86_64/x86_64/libm…
determined_kapitsa 42364 42364 cat 0 2 /lib/x86_64/
determined_kapitsa 42364 42364 cat 0 2 /lib/x86_64/
determined_kapitsa 42364 42364 cat 3 0 /lib/
determined_kapitsa 42364 42364 cat 3 0 /lib/
determined_kapitsa 42364 42364 cat 3 0 /lib/
determined_kapitsa 42364 42364 cat 0 2 /tmp/foo


$ sudo ig run trace_open
determined_kapit cat 42364 42364 0 /lib/x86_64/x86_64/libm… -------… ENOENT
determined_kapit cat 42364 42364 0 /lib/x86_64/ -------… ENOENT
determined_kapit cat 42364 42364 0 /lib/x86_64/ -------… ENOENT
determined_kapit cat 42364 42364 3 /lib/ -------…
determined_kapit cat 42364 42364 3 /lib/ -------…
determined_kapit cat 42364 42364 3 /lib/ -------…
determined_kapit cat 42364 42364 0 /tmp/foo -------… ENOENT

Json (and Yaml) Output

The output for both kind of Gadgets is very similar. Let's analyse the output of trace open to compare the differences:


$ ig trace open -o jsonpretty
"runtime": {
"runtimeName": "docker",
"containerId": "b092854647ae52c4582204be7978052c2bb5ea8bd572e99f630d04b04ed4c9e1",
"containerName": "determined_kapitsa",
"containerPid": 37591,
"containerImageName": "busybox",
"containerImageDigest": "sha256:2919d0172f7524b2d8df9e50066a682669e6d170ac0f6a49676d54358fe970b5",
"containerStartedAt": 1737640953449803500
"k8s": {
"owner": {}
"timestamp": 1737641591294238200,
"type": "normal",
"mountnsid": 4026534388,
"pid": 39733,
"tid": 39733,
"gid": 0,
"comm": "cat",
"err": 2,
"flags": [
"mode": "----------",
"path": "/tmp/foo"


$ ig run trace_open -o jsonpretty
"error": "ENOENT",
"error_raw": 2,
"fd": 0,
"flags": "O_RDONLY",
"flags_raw": 0,
"fname": "/tmp/foo",
"k8s": {
"containerName": "",
"hostnetwork": false,
"namespace": "",
"node": "",
"owner": {
"kind": "",
"name": ""
"podLabels": "",
"podName": ""
"mode": "----------",
"mode_raw": 0,
"proc": {
"comm": "cat",
"creds": {
"gid": 0,
"group": "root",
"uid": 0,
"user": "root"
"mntns_id": 4026534388,
"parent": {
"comm": "sh",
"pid": 37591
"pid": 39733,
"tid": 39733
"runtime": {
"containerId": "b092854647ae52c4582204be7978052c2bb5ea8bd572e99f630d04b04ed4c9e1",
"containerImageDigest": "sha256:2919d0172f7524b2d8df9e50066a682669e6d170ac0f6a49676d54358fe970b5",
"containerImageName": "busybox",
"containerName": "determined_kapitsa",
"containerPid": 37591,
"containerStartedAt": 1737640953449803500,
"runtimeName": "docker"
"timestamp": "2025-01-23T09:13:11.294236963-05:00",
"timestamp_raw": 1737641591294237000
  • process information: The image-based one has all the process related information such as command name (comm), process identifier (pid), thread identifier (tid), user identifier (uid), group identifier (gid), parent process (pcomm) and mount namespace inode id (mntns_id) consolidated on the "proc" node.
  • enriched fields: The image-based gadgets contains both the raw version and the enriched (human friendly version) of fields like timestamp, mode, flags etc.
  • fields renamed: The name of some fields were changed, for instance in this case the path of the file being open is now called fname instead of path.

Filtering events in user space with --filter

The syntax is a bit different for both cases.


A filter can match any column using the following syntax
columnName:value - matches, if the content of columnName equals exactly value
columnName:!value - matches, if the content of columnName does not equal exactly value
columnName:>=value - matches, if the content of columnName is greater than or equal to the value
columnName:>value - matches, if the content of columnName is greater than the value
columnName:<=value - matches, if the content of columnName is less than or equal to the value
columnName:<value - matches, if the content of columnName is less than the value
columnName:~value - matches, if the content of columnName matches the regular expression 'value'
see [] for more information on the syntax
This flag can be specified multiple times to combine multiple filters e.g. -F column1:value1 -F column2:value2
# built-in
$ sudo ig trace open -F 'path:/tmp/foo'

# image-based
# In this case the field was also renamed
$ sudo ig run trace_open -F 'fname==/tmp/foo'


A filter can match any field using the following syntax:
field==value - matches, if the content of field equals exactly value
field!=value - matches, if the content of field does not equal exactly value
field>=value - matches, if the content of field is greater than or equal to the value
field>value - matches, if the content of field is greater than the value
field<=value - matches, if the content of field is less than or equal to the value
field<value - matches, if the content of field is less than the value
field~value - matches, if the content of field matches the regular expression 'value'
see [] for more information on the syntax
Multiple filters can be combined using a comma: field1==value1,field2==value2

Showing or hiding columns

In the built-in gadgets, the -o columns=foo,bar syntax was available for selecting which columns are shown. In the image-based gadgets this is done with the --fields flag:

# built-in
$ sudo ig trace open -o columns=comm,path
cat /lib/
cat /lib/
cat /lib/
cat /tmp/foo

# image-based
$ sudo ig run trace_open --fields proc.comm,fname
cat /lib/
cat /lib/
cat /lib/
cat /tmp/foo

Pulling Gadget Images

Image-based Gadgets aren't shipped with the ig binary, they are instead stored as OCI artifacts on OCI registries. It means they need to be pulled from the internet when running them for the first time. If you're running in an environment where it's not possible to reach the internet while running the gadgets, you have the following options:

Use your own OCI registry

Mirror the Gadget images to your own OCI registry.

$ sudo ig image pull trace_open:v0.36.0
$ sudo ig image tag trace_open:v0.36.0 myoci_registry/trace_open:v0.36.0
$ sudo ig image push myoci_registry/trace_open:v0.36.0

Then, run the image from a machine with access to your OCI registry

$ sudo ig run myoci_registry/trace_open:v0.36.0
Use the image export and import functionality

Download a local copy of the images on a machine with internet access:

$ sudo ig image pull trace_open:v0.36.0
$ sudo ig image pull trace_exec:v0.36.0
# ...

# export the images to a file
$ sudo ig image export trace_open:v0.36.0 trace_exec:v0.36.0 > myimages.tar

Then, transfer myimages.tar to the machine where you want to run the Gadgets, import and run them:

$ sudo ig image import myimages.tar
$ sudo ig run trace_open:v0.36.0

New Features

This is a raw list of features that are only available with the image-based gadgets. Please check the individual documentation for each one of them to get more information.

  • Headless mode: Run Gadgets on background.
  • Gadget Instance Manifests: Run a Gadget from a file containing its configuration.
  • Metrics: Export metrics to Prometheus and OpenTelemetry.
  • Uniform filtering: Filtering by common fields like command name, pid, tid, etc. in the kernel directly.
  • Creating your own Gadgets: You can now create your own Gadgets without requiring any changes on the project.

Golang API Users

The main difference for the users of the Golang API is that image-based Gadgets don't provide a Golang package, instead a generic runner needs to be used to run them. Check the Golang API to learn more about it.