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Version: v0.37.0

Continuous Integration

This repository uses GitHub Actions to create a custom Continuous Integration (CI) workflow named Inspektor Gadget CI. This workflow compiles and uploads the Inspektor Gadget CLI (kubectl-gadget and ig) and gadget container images and runs their unit and integration tests. In addition, it verifies that the documentation is up-to-date and runs a static code analysis using Golang linters.

A fork of this project should enable GitHub Actions in the repo settings page and add the proper secrets to be able to use this workflow. The following sections describes what secrets need to be added to enable all the CI tests.

Container repository

To run the integration tests, it is necessary to have the gadget container image available so that it can be installed/loaded in the Kubernetes cluster where the tests will run.

As a default, images are shared via artifacts between workflow jobs for all CI pipeline. When the target branch correspond to the main or the push refers to a tag, the images are also pushed to${{ github.repository }}. This permits a clear separation between "in development" images and production ones.

Note that, you need to set repository packages as public to allow anonymous pull.

Run integration tests on ARO

Optionally, we can add the secrets described in this section so that the integration tests will also run on a pre-created Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) cluster. Consider that the Inspektor Gadget workflow will still success even if no ARO cluster is provided through these secrets.

Create a cluster

These are the steps to create an ARO cluster using the Azure CLI:

$ export SUBSCRIPTION=<mySubscription>
$ export RESOURCEGROUP=<myResourceName>
$ export LOCATION=<myLocation>
$ export CLUSTER=<myCluster>
$ export VNET=<myVNET>
$ export MASTSUB=<myMASTSUB>
$ export WORKSUB=<myWORKSUB>
$ export SP_NAME=<myServicePrincipalName>

# Set subscription so that we don't need to specify it at every command
$ az account set --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION

# Register resource providers
$ az provider register -n Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift --wait
$ az provider register -n Microsoft.Compute --wait
$ az provider register -n Microsoft.Storage --wait
$ az provider register -n Microsoft.Authorization --wait

# Create resource group
$ az group create --name $RESOURCEGROUP --location $LOCATION

# Create virtual network and two empty subnets for the master and the worker nodes.
$ az network vnet create --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP --name $VNET --address-prefixes
$ az network vnet subnet create --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP --vnet-name $VNET \
--name $MASTSUB --address-prefixes --service-endpoints Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
$ az network vnet subnet create --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP --vnet-name $VNET \
--name $WORKSUB --address-prefixes --service-endpoints Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
$ az network vnet subnet update --name $MASTSUB --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP --vnet-name $VNET \
--disable-private-link-service-network-policies true

# Create the service principal for the cluster
$ SP_CREDENTIALS=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac -n $SP_NAME --role contributor --scopes "/subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION}/resourceGroups/${RESOURCEGROUP}")

$ SP_APPID=$(echo $SP_CREDENTIALS | jq '.appId')
$ SP_PASSWORD=$(echo $SP_CREDENTIALS | jq '.password')

# Create the cluster (Minimum 3 worker nodes must be used)
$ az aro create --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP --name $CLUSTER --vnet $VNET \
--master-subnet $MASTSUB --worker-count 3 --worker-subnet $WORKSUB \
--client-id $SP_APPID --client-secret $SP_PASSWORD


  • After executing the az aro create command, it normally takes about 35 minutes to create a cluster.
  • For the sake of simplicity, we are not providing a Red Hat pull secret during the cluster creation, so our cluster will not include samples or operators from Red Hat or certified partners. However, it is not a requirement to run the Inspektor Gadget integration tests on it.
  • Creating an ARO cluster requires specific permissions, check the documentation to be sure you have them.

Delete a cluster

If we need to delete our cluster, it is enough to execute:

$ az group delete --name $RESOURCEGROUP

Take into account that it will remove the entire resource group and all resources inside it.

Further details about creating an ARO cluster can be found in the Azure Red Hat OpenShift documentation.

Connect to a cluster

Fist of all, to be able to connect to our cluster, we need the following information:

# API Server URL
$ az aro show --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION -g $RESOURCEGROUP -n $CLUSTER --query apiserverProfile.url

# Credentials
$ az aro list-credentials --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION -g $RESOURCEGROUP -n $CLUSTER
"kubeadminPassword": "myPassword",
"kubeadminUsername": "myUsername"

From GitHub actions

The test-integration job is already configured to authenticate and set the kubeconf context to the ARO cluster configured in the GitHub repository. So all we need to do is to add the following actions secrets:

  • OPENSHIFT_USER: The kubeadminUsername from the JSON output of the list-credentials command.
  • OPENSHIFT_PASSWORD: The kubeadminPassword from the JSON output of the list-credentials command.

Further details about connect to an ARO cluster from GitHub actions can be found in the Azure Red Hat OpenShift documentation and the redhat-actions/oc-login documentation.

From a host

For debugging, it might be necessary to connect to the cluster from a host. We can do it by using the oc tool:

$ oc login $apiServer -u $kubeadminUsername -p $kubeadminPassword

Notice that it configures the kubectl configuration with a new context.

Please take into account that any change done on this cluster could cause issues with the integration tests running on GitHub actions at that moment.

Run integration tests on AKS

When secrets described in the below sections are set, the integration tests will also run on AKS clusters.

Create the clusters

As Inspektor Gadget support both amd64 and arm64, two clusters will be created when the CI is triggered. To be able to create them in the CI, you need to follow these instructions:

$ subscription_id=<mySubscriptionID>
$ resourcegroup=<myResourceName>
$ location=<myLocation>
$ app_name=<myAppName>
# federated_name should not have spaces!
$ federated_name=<myFederatedCredentialName>
$ organization=<myGitHubOrganization>
$ repository=<myGitHubRepository>
$ environment=<myCIJobEnvironment>

# Set subscription so that we don't need to specify it at every command.
$ az account set --subscription $subscription_id

# Create resource group.
# This is not needed to generate secrets but it is mandatory to creates AKS
# cluster in the CI.
$ az group create --name $resourcegroup --location $location

# Register an application for your CI.
$ az ad app create --display-name $app_name
# It should reply with a big JSON object.

# Let's get the ID of the created application
$ app_id=$(az ad app list --display-name $app_name --query [0].id | tr -d '"')

# Let's create a service principal for the corresponding application.
$ az ad sp create --id $app_id
# It should reply with a big JSON object.

# We now want to get the service principal ID.
$ sp_id=$(az ad sp list --display-name $app_name --query [0].id | tr -d '"')

# Let's create a new role for this service principal.
$ az role assignment create --role contributor --assignee-object-id $sp_id --assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal --scope /subscriptions/$subscription_id/resourceGroups/$resourcegroup
# It should reply with a big JSON object.

# Create the federated credential to be able to "az login" from the CI.
$ az ad app federated-credential create --id $app_id --parameters <(echo "{
\"name\": \"${federated_name}\",
\"issuer\": \"\",
\"subject\": \"repo:${organization}/${repository}:environment:${environment}\",
\"description\": \"AKS federated credentials for CI\",
\"audiences\": [
# It replies with a JSON object which has name set to $federated_name.

After doing this, you will need to create several secrets:

  1. AZURE_AKS_CLIENT_ID: The application ID as given by az ad app list --display-name $app_name --query [0].appId.
  2. AZURE_AKS_TENANT_ID: The tenant ID as given by az account show --query tenantId.
  3. AZURE_AKS_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: The subscription used to create the federated credentials as given by az account show --query id.
  4. AZURE_AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP: It stores the name of the resource group where the clusters will be created.

The workflow will create the amd64 and arm64 clusters for you by using the above information. By default, each of this cluster features 3 nodes. Once created, the integration tests will be run on these clusters. Finally, the clusters are deleted, whatsoever is the result of the tests.

Run integration tests on EKS

We use OpenID Connect to authenticate GitHub Actions against AWS. If you want to run the integration tests on your fork, follow this to configure your AWS account.

You need to create a role with the minimum IAM policies needed by eksctl. Save the name of this role (including the rull arn:aws.. prefix). in a repository variable named AWS_ROLE.

Run integration tests on GKE

In order to run the integration tests on GKE on a fork, you need to set the following secrets:

  • GKE_PROJECT: The GCP project where the GKE cluster is located.
  • GKE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT: The service account used to authenticate to GCP.
  • GKE_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_PROVIDER: The workload identity provider used to authenticate to GCP.

these secrets use OpenID Connect to authenticate GitHub Actions against GCP for more information on how it works you can check the GitHub documentation here. The steps to create a service account and a workload identity provider can be found in the google-github-actions/auth repository till step 6. In terms of permissions, the service account needs to have the following roles:

  • roles/container.admin
  • roles/container.clusterAdmin
  • roles/iam.serviceAccountUser

You can see the guide here to see how these roles can be assigned to the service account.


Inspektor Gadget has benchmark tests that are automatically executed and published by github-action-benchmark. You can see the results on:

This requires a GitHub API token (secret BENCHMARKS_TOKEN) configured with read and write access to two repositories:

The GitHub Action is disabled for pushes on forks or PR from forks, so the result page will not be updated by forks. In this way, forks can still use other parts of the CI without failing, even without the BENCHMARKS_TOKEN secret.

Sign release artifact

We compute hash sum of all our release artifacts and the file containing these checksums is signed using cosign. To sign this file, you will need to create a private key with an associated password:

$ cosign generate-key-pair
Enter password for private key:
Enter password for private key again:
Private key written to cosign.key
Public key written to

You will then need to store the content of cosign.key in the COSIGN_PRIVATE_KEY and the password you used to create the key in COSIGN_PASSWORD. Without these secrets, the release job will not be run.