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Version: v0.37.0


The profile_blockio gadget gathers information about the usage of the block device I/O (disk I/O), generating a histogram distribution of I/O latency (time), when the gadget is stopped.

Notice that the latency of the disk I/O is measured from when the call is issued to the device until its completion, it does not include time spent in the kernel queue. This means that the histogram reflects only the performance of the device and not the effective latency suffered by the applications.

The histogram shows the number of I/O operations (count column) that lie in the latency range interval-start -> interval-end (µs column), which, as the columns name indicates, is given in microseconds.

For this guide, we will use the stress tool that allows us to load and stress the system in many different ways. In particular, we will use the --io flag that will generate a given number of workers to spin on the sync() syscall. In this way, we will generate disk I/O that we will analyse using the profile_blockio gadget.

Getting started

Running the gadget:

$ kubectl gadget run [flags]


Run the gadget in a terminal:

$ kubectl gadget run profile_blockio:v0.37.0 --node minikube-docker

It will start to display the I/O latency distribution as follows:

µs : count distribution
0 -> 1 : 0 | |
1 -> 2 : 0 | |
2 -> 4 : 0 | |
4 -> 8 : 1 |* |
8 -> 16 : 21 |*************************** |
16 -> 32 : 17 |********************* |
32 -> 64 : 12 |*************** |
64 -> 128 : 0 | |
128 -> 256 : 0 | |
256 -> 512 : 0 | |
512 -> 1024 : 21 |*************************** |
1024 -> 2048 : 3 |*** |
2048 -> 4096 : 31 |****************************************|
4096 -> 8192 : 0 | |
8192 -> 16384 : 0 | |
16384 -> 32768 : 0 | |
32768 -> 65536 : 0 | |
65536 -> 131072 : 0 | |
131072 -> 262144 : 0 | |
262144 -> 524288 : 0 | |
524288 -> 1048576 : 0 | |
1048576 -> 2097152 : 0 | |
2097152 -> 4194304 : 0 | |
4194304 -> 8388608 : 0 | |
8388608 -> 16777216 : 0 | |
16777216 -> 33554432 : 0 | |
33554432 -> 67108864 : 0 | |

Now, let's increase the I/O operations using the stress tool:

# Start by creating our testing namespace
$ kubectl create ns test-biolatency

# Run stress with 1 worker that will generate I/O operations
$ kubectl run --restart=Never --image=polinux/stress stress-io -n test-biolatency -- stress --io 1
$ kubectl wait --timeout=-1s -n test-biolatency --for=condition=ready pod/stress-io
pod/stress-io condition met
$ kubectl get pod -n test-biolatency -o wide
stress-io 1/1 Running 0 2s worker-node <none> <none>

Using the profile block-io gadget, we can generate another histogram to analyse the disk I/O with this load:

# Run the gadget again
$ kubectl gadget run profile_blockio:v0.37.0 --node minikube-docker
µs : count distribution
0 -> 1 : 0 | |
1 -> 2 : 0 | |
2 -> 4 : 0 | |
4 -> 8 : 786 | |
8 -> 16 : 57788 |****************************************|
16 -> 32 : 39060 |*************************** |
32 -> 64 : 1513 |* |
64 -> 128 : 36 | |
128 -> 256 : 16 | |
256 -> 512 : 260 | |
512 -> 1024 : 2045 |* |
1024 -> 2048 : 986 | |
2048 -> 4096 : 57 | |
4096 -> 8192 : 1 | |
8192 -> 16384 : 0 | |
16384 -> 32768 : 0 | |
32768 -> 65536 : 0 | |
65536 -> 131072 : 0 | |
131072 -> 262144 : 0 | |
262144 -> 524288 : 0 | |
524288 -> 1048576 : 0 | |
1048576 -> 2097152 : 0 | |
2097152 -> 4194304 : 0 | |
4194304 -> 8388608 : 0 | |
8388608 -> 16777216 : 0 | |
16777216 -> 33554432 : 0 | |
33554432 -> 67108864 : 0 | |

The new histogram shows how the number of I/O operations increased significantly.

You can clean up the resources created during this guide by running the following commands:

$ kubectl delete ns test-biolatency

Exporting metrics

The profile_blockio gadget can expose the histograms it generates to a Prometheus endpoint. To do so, you need to activate both the metrics listener as well as the gadget collector. To enable the metrics listener, check the Exporting Metrics documentation. To enable the collector for the profile_blockio gadget with the metrics name blockio-metrics, run the following command:

WIP: Headless mode for kubectl gadget is under development
WIP: Headless mode for kubectl gadget is under development

Finally, stop metrics collection:

WIP: Headless mode for kubectl gadget is under development